Why insure your home?
Too many burglaries in Denmark.
The number of burglaries in Denmark is decreasing, but we still have a record compared to the countries we compare ourselves to, and far too few have secured their homes, especially before the damage has occurred.
Most burglaries in houses.
The majority (80%) of burglaries occur in private houses on the ground floor . The thief goes after houses where there is something of value. However, studies of thief behavior also show that the thief may be deterred from committing a burglary if there are signs of life, or if it is difficult to get in or out of the home. It is important for the thief to be able to get away quickly if they are discovered.
By life is meant that there is someone at home or neighbors who can easily keep an eye on your home. Securing doors, locks and windows helps make it difficult to enter the home. At the same time, it makes it more difficult for the thief to escape.
The thief often comes back.
If you have had your house broken into before, the risk of another break-in is greater. The probability that the same house will be broken into again is four times greater than for houses that have never been broken into. At the same time, there is a greater risk of burglary in the neighborhood for about 14 days.
On the other hand, the risk is significantly lower if you have secured your house and live in a neighborhood with good neighbors who help keep an eye out.
Avoid burglary.
You can make a shell security to make your home secure. This involves reinforcing doors, windows, locks, in other words securing the shell of the house that makes it difficult for the thief to get in and out, preventing easy escape routes.
Neighborhood watch, where neighbors keep an eye on each other's houses, significantly reduces the risk of burglary.
In addition, you can cut down the hedge, install outdoor lights so that a thief cannot break in undisturbed. Make it look like someone is home by turning on the lights. And label your valuables. Studies show that you reduce the risk of burglary if you combine at least two measures together with basic improvements to doors, locks and windows.
How does the burglary happen?
38 percent happen via doors. Burglars break open patio doors in particular. And at the same time, it is easy for the thief to get away with the stolen goods if he can just go out through the patio door again.
That's why you should make it difficult to break open the doors in your home. Both from the outside and from the inside. Burglars will have an easy time if the lock is very old, if the woodwork is broken down, or the door is flimsy.
All exterior doors – front doors, patio doors, garden doors, etc. – in your home should be solid and equipped with secure locks, because thieves look for the weakest link in the house to break in and get away with the loot.
(the above content was created in collaboration with Bo Trygt)
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